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Kelly Kelita


Mystical Oasis – My journey, my unraveling and my world of wonderland

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Since I was a little girl, I was obsessed with lights & music. Christmas was always my favorite holiday, not because of presents but because of all the colorful lights my parents would decorate our home with. Excited to go for car rides around the neighborhood and see the homes decorated in their own unique way made me smile from ear to ear. I would hang around my family room with only the Christmas lights on, grab the microphone my dad had bought us, and sing Christmas songs. I felt like I was in my own Christmas musical! All I needed was music and lights to make me feel like I was in a world of my own. When it was time to take down all the lights and decorations, I felt a little sadness come over me each year. I often wondered why people couldn’t leave their homes decorated with lights because it looked so beautiful and brought so much joy. Lights should be on all year round!

As a child, I was both an introvert and extrovert. I was very friendly with other children but also enjoyed my time alone. I enjoyed coloring and painting whatever came to my mind, seeing the colors on paper and my pictures come to life. Hours would go by, and I was lost in my creativity, while listening to music of course. Growing older and in high school, my love for singing and music grew stronger. I know I drove my friends crazy when I would sing Mariah Careys sweet fantasy song over and over again on the bus. I was also obsessed with Selena and Gloria Estefan!

In my 20’s I started working in a local night club in White Plains, NY as a coat check girl. I was so excited for that job, even though I was stuck in this tiny little room with coats for the entire night. I remember getting so excited to just hear the loud music and see the lights glowing. As time went on, I started working at various clubs in Westchester, Connecticut, NYC as a door girl and promoter. I would check id’s and let people in the club. After my shift doing the door was over, I would go in the club enjoying the thrill of seeing the lights, the music and the people dancing. The Westchester and Connecticut clubs had lots of laser lights and floor lights, but not much décor along with it. NYC clubs flowed more with their lights and had more of a vibe with their décor. At the same time, I met a DJ and started recording club music that was played on BPM and different night clubs. I also got selected as a Modelo Beer billboard girl that was across the country and in Maxim Magazine. I was getting into the industry thinking this is where I was meant to be.

Things changed for me when I moved to Las Vegas and started working in night life there for SBE Entertainment/SLS Hotels. Las Vegas clubs were the most exquisite clubs I had ever seen and made me feel like I just entered another world. The decorations, themes, costumes, lights….it was another level. There was so much thought into every part of creating this experience and I had an appreciation for the creativity that was put into it. Some of my favorite clubs were Foundation Room, Tryst, XS, Voodoo Lounge and Hyde Bellagio! I had no interest in drinking and I was never into drugs! The music, the lights were my addiction!

Unfortunately, behind all the awesomeness there was a dark side to the industry, I also had to become a tough girl with an attitude because it is easy to get walked all over in this industry. To be respected by men in this industry you had to have tough boundaries, take no shit and be serious. If I was disrespected by anyone, I would be ready to fight. I got so used to being on edge that I started to develop a bad temper, anxiety, got into arguments and physical altercations. The lifestyle that seemed so cool with music and lights was not benefiting my soul. I had some co-workers and friends who became drug addicts, some overdosed, become alcoholics and some who died tragically. I finally started to realize that although I am not drinking or doing drugs, the energy in these clubs were poisoning my spirit. I had transitioned to working for the corporate side of night life and that was no different! The energy around it all was just toxic. I was done with it all and I had to have the courage to walk away from everyone still connected to it, if I wanted to change my life.

I was always a believer in God and a prayer warrior since I was a child. I believe God gave me the free will to choose and I believe he helped me to see that this was not the environment for me. I did miss the lights, music and dancing! That is really what I enjoyed about the club industry! I got a new corporate job and I started getting more into my sound healing and music just for myself. The path kept unraveling and I would connect with different mentors that would open my eyes to more ways to find harmony within myself. What was nice about it, is that the connections happened organically without me seeking it. I kept growing in my faith and trusting God to lead me where I am meant to be. I began to feel more calm, peaceful, better able to handle conflict in a healthy way, take accountability and be grateful even through the hard times. While learning and healing myself, I wanted to help other people through my own experiences. I went through ups and downs, been broke, depressed, anxiety, felt judged, put down......I would pick myself back up, try harder and kept unwavering faith in God! People would tell me "I hope everything works out for you" and I knew they were being sincere, but I had to correct it and would respond "I do not hope, I know everything will work out!" Peace within is my constant goal! Life will never be perfect, but I can go through the hard times knowing that they too will pass, and life is a blessing. I no longer sweat the small stuff and walk away from anything that disturbs my peace. The more I love my life, I find the more it loves me back!

Mystical Oasis was originally born in 2015, I started out doing sound healing sessions right in my home in New York. People loved the sessions, and they loved the ambiance. It was a different experience for them and made them feel as if they were somewhere else for the hour.

Jump forward to 2020… corporate job laid off 10,000 people during covid and I was one of them. I was devastated! I cried as though I was grieving the loss of a loved one and felt hopeless. I said to my husband “what am I going to do now?” he looked at me and said, “You’re going to take all those instruments you have in the room, and you are going to go out there and play!” That is exactly what I did and I’m grateful for his love, encouragement and belief in me. Then Mystical Oasis Studio officially came to be in February 2021!

With creating Mystical Oasis Studio, I did take a lot of what I learned about night life and put it to use; flow of lights, decorating, branding and event planning. It is not about just putting some colored lights on; anyone can do that! Its about what kind of experience do you want to bring to people through color, light sound, most of all from your own heart. I took a lot of my life experiences and created themes based off them. People can feel the energy of creativity when it comes from the story within your own heart. There is so much meaning behind the creativity! My studio reflects my life and the peace I worked so hard to attain after so many years of hardships. When I am giving a sound bath, I often play based off the stories I see in my mind from my life. One example of that is “the Cookie Bear Song”, the sounds I play tell a story about my dog Cookie - from the day I got her, my life with her and her death. There are a mix of different emotions blended into my musical stories. Every part of my sound healing comes from the deepest parts of my soul and what I went through to get here.

My goal is to create a wonderland of Zen! Where people feel they have just entered a different dimension, when the sounds of the instruments sing a story to you, where everyone feels safe, where you can eat a piece of chocolate and feel like you are at home. Now seeing people walk into the studio, enjoying the lights, laughing with friends and enjoying the feelings of peace during the sound bath brings me immense joy!

I always wanted to open a night club but I got something better…..I got Mystical Oasis Studio….my Zen club!


Bella Chartrand
Bella Chartrand

What a beautiful blog and website! You are gorgeous and a beautiful Light. I'm so glad you survived the industry and are now thriving with all the beauty and love you have to share with our world. Love, Bella @Bellatopia

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